산업용 맥주 제조 장비

산업용 맥주 제조 장비

Industrial beer making equipment refers to the large-scale systems and machinery used to produce beer in commercial breweries. Choosing the right equipment is key to efficient beer production. This guide covers the key types of industrial beer making equipment, considerations for selection and buying, operation and maintenance, and suppliers.

Overview of Industrial Beer Making Process and Equipment

The typical stages of large-scale beer production include:

Brewing – Mashing, Lautering, Boiling, Whirlpooling
발효 – Yeast is added for fermentation and maturation
필터링 – Removal of yeast and stabilization
패키징 – Kegging, bottling, canning

The main equipment used includes:

장비 기능
매시 툰 Converts malted grains into a sugary liquid called wort through mashing and lautering processes.
양조 주전자 Boils the wort, adding hops and other flavoring agents to create the beer’s flavor profile.
발효 탱크 Ferments the wort with yeast to convert sugars into alcohol and carbon dioxide, producing beer.
밝은 탱크 Stores and clarifies the beer after fermentation, allowing any remaining particles to settle out.
냉각 시스템 Rapidly cools the hot wort before fermentation to prevent undesirable flavors and aromas.
필터링 시스템 Removes solids and haze from the beer, creating a clear and visually appealing final product.
탄산 장비 Injects carbon dioxide into the beer to achieve the desired level of carbonation.
포장 장비 Fills bottles, cans, kegs, or other containers with the finished beer and seals them for distribution.
청소 및 살균 Equipment such as CIP (Clean-in-Place) systems to maintain cleanliness and hygiene in the brewing process.
보일러 Generates steam used for various processes, including heating the mash and sterilizing equipment.
Grain Mill Crushes malted grains to expose starches and enzymes for mashing, aiding in wort production.
Hopper Holds and dispenses grains or other ingredients into the brewing process, such as hops for flavoring.
열 교환기 Cools the wort rapidly by exchanging heat with cold water, improving fermentation efficiency.
산업용 맥주 제조 장비
밝은 맥주 탱크

Industrial Beer Making Equipment Types

장비 설명
양조장 Performs mashing and lautering functions
양조 주전자 Boil mashed malt/water mixture (wort)
발효기 Stainless steel vessels for fermenting/maturing
밝은 맥주 탱크 Filtered beer storage before packaging
필터링 시스템 Remove yeast, particles, stabilize beer
Canning Lines Automated filling and seaming of cans
보틀링 라인 Automated filling and capping of bottles
Kegging Lines Automated cleaning, filling, seaming of kegs

Capacity, Design and Customization

Industrial beer equipment ranges widely in production capacity and degree of automation. When selecting, key factors to consider include:

팩터 세부 정보
생산량 Daily/annual beer output goals?
자동화 수준 Manual, semi-auto, or fully automated?
사용 가능한 공간 Floorplan, ceilings, doorways – height, width constraints
예산 Lower cost options may sacrifice automation
확장성 Built-in capacity to add modules/lines?
사용자 지정 Tailored to brewery goals and layout

Many suppliers offer modular equipment that can be expanded and customized. Configuring systems specifically to brewery space, layout, and processing preferences ensures efficient design and expansion capability.

Suppliers and Price Ranges

There is a wide range of industrial beer equipment suppliers globally. Prices vary greatly depending on production volume, materials, and automation.

공급업체 가격 범위
JVNW $100,000 – $5 million
Prospero $250,000 – $2.5 million
XacBank $500,000 – $15 million
BrewFab $1 million – $10 million

Typical Price Ranges By Equipment:

장비 Typical Price Range (USD)
매시 툰 $10,000 - $50,000
양조 주전자 $15,000 – $70,000
발효 탱크 $5,000 – $30,000
밝은 탱크 $5,000 – $25,000
냉각 시스템 $5,000 - $20,000
필터링 시스템 $10,000 – $40,000
탄산 장비 $5,000 - $15,000
포장 장비 $10,000 – $100,000+
청소 및 살균 $2,000 - $10,000
보일러 $10,000 - $50,000
Grain Mill $2,000 - $10,000
Hopper $1,000 - $5,000
열 교환기 $5,000 - $20,000

설치, 운영 및 유지보수

Proper installation, operation and maintenance ensures maximizing production efficiency and equipment lifetime.

단계 주요 활동
설치 Performed by supplier engineers

Calibration, trial batches

작업 Following SOPs, hygiene monitoring

Efficiency monitoring

유지 관리 Daily cleaning protocols

예방적 유지 관리 일정

교육 For brewers/operators

Troubleshooting issues

Suppliers typically provide installation services and operator training. Preventative maintenance and daily sanitation SOPs are key for longevity and performance.

How to Select an Industrial Beer Equipment Supplier

Choosing a supplier for industrial-scale beer equipment requires careful evaluation:

고려 사항 평가 기준
평판 및 경험 Years in business

Brewer references and reviews

Quality & Testing 인증

Documentation of Quality Control testing

Customization Offerings Ability to tailor equipment to specifications
애프터 세일즈 지원 Service response time

Availability of spare parts

Budget Suitability Total project cost

Financing options available

Get quotes from multiple vendors and ask detailed questions on customization options, delivery timelines, warranties, and post-purchase support capabilities. An established supplier known for quality and service is recommended for this major investment.

Nano brewery equipment

Pros and Cons of Industrial Beer Equipment


Pros of Industrial Beer Equipment 설명
일관성 Industrial equipment ensures consistent beer quality by controlling various parameters such as temperature, pressure, and fermentation time.
High Production Capacity These systems are designed for high volume production, making them suitable for breweries with large-scale operations.
효율성 Industrial equipment is efficient, reducing production time and energy consumption compared to smaller setups.
품질 관리 Sophisticated monitoring and automation systems allow for precise quality control, resulting in reliable and uniform beer products.
Cost-Effective in the Long Run While the initial investment is substantial, industrial equipment can be cost-effective over time due to increased production and reduced operational costs.
확장성 Breweries can easily scale up production by adding more tanks or upgrading components without significant disruptions.
자동화 Automation reduces the need for manual labor and minimizes the risk of human error during the brewing process.
Consistent Packaging Industrial equipment often includes automated packaging solutions, ensuring consistent bottle or can filling and labeling.
Product Innovation Some industrial equipment offers flexibility in recipe experimentation and product development.
Competitive Advantage Larger breweries using industrial equipment can compete effectively in the market and distribute their products more widely.


Cons of Industrial Beer Equipment 설명
High Initial Costs Industrial beer equipment can be expensive to purchase and set up, making it a significant financial investment for breweries.
Large Space Requirements Industrial equipment requires ample space, which may not be feasible for smaller breweries or those with limited facilities.
Maintenance Costs Ongoing maintenance costs for industrial equipment can be substantial, including repairs and replacement parts.
Limited Flexibility Industrial systems may lack the flexibility to experiment with different beer styles or recipes compared to smaller, craft equipment.
Higher Energy Consumption Industrial equipment tends to consume more energy, leading to higher utility bills and environmental concerns.
Complex Operation Operating industrial-scale equipment can be more complex, requiring specialized training and expertise.
Risk of Overproduction Due to the large batch sizes, breweries using industrial equipment may face the risk of overproducing beer, leading to potential waste.
Less Personalized Touch Industrial brewing can result in a less personalized approach to beer production compared to craft brewing.
Longer Setup and Cleaning Times The setup and cleaning processes for industrial equipment can be time-consuming and labor-intensive.
Limited Community Engagement Breweries using industrial equipment may find it challenging to connect with their local community compared to smaller, craft breweries.

Carefully weighing benefits vs drawbacks including production goals is key in determining the ideal system.

자주 묻는 질문

Q: What is the lead time for obtaining industrial beer brewing equipment?

A: Lead times range from 8 to 16 weeks typically, depending on customization and production workload. Confirm timelines with manufacturer during ordering.

Q: What are the electrical and utility requirements for industrial brewhouses?

A: Large equipment may require 380 to 480 volt, 3 phase electrical systems, steam systems, cooling water. Must be installed prior.

Q: What are examples of options for financing equipment purchases?

A: Financing options include commercial bank loans, USDA microloans, crowdfunding campaigns, grants or self-investment financing. Discuss best options for your brewery with suppliers.

Q: Should we work with architects on brewhouse layout and design?

A: Yes, engage commercial architects and engineers from the start. Ensure proper construction including floor drains, materials, utilities, door heights to accommodate equipment.

Q: Can suppliers handle dismantling and relocating used systems?

A: Many suppliers have dedicated crews to handle acquiring and reinstalling used breweries. This can greatly reduce startup costs. Discuss options with sales reps.

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