Why brewing equipment is cheap in China?

Why brewing equipment is cheap in China?

The global beer brewing industry is growing , and China has become a major beer brewing equipment manufacturing country. Brewing equipment made in China is becoming more and more popular as it has many advantages over equipment from other countries. Purchasing Chinese brewing equipment is an attractive proposition for breweries because, put, it is cheaper. And China’s cheaper brewing equipment has become today’s theme. Next, micet will answer this question for you. I hope it can help you.

Why is China cheaper?

Stainless steel is cheaper

When discussing why China’s brewing equipment is so cheap, some people will say that China uses inferior stainless steel production equipment. But is this the case? Let’s take a look at it in practice.

Low labor cost

Chinese stainless steel is indeed cheaper than stainless steel produced in the United States or Europe. Cheap doesn’t mean inferior. In many manufacturing processes, China can take advantage of economies of scale to reduce production costs. This is due to many factors, including lower labor and material costs in China and the ability of Chinese manufacturers to produce high-quality products at lower costs.

Why is China cheaper?

Diversity of choices available

China produces a variety of beer equipment, from small home breweries to large commercial breweries. This allows brewers to find equipment that suits their specific needs and budget.

Indonesia’s nickel problem

Indonesia has the world’s largest nickel reserves. Nickel is vital to the manufacture of stainless steel. More than two-thirds of the world’s nickel is used to make stainless steel.

The Indonesian government announced in September 2019 that it would ban the export of raw nickel ore starting from January 2020. But, Chinese steel companies such as Tsingshan Steel are protected by this ban because they operate their own stainless steel plants within Indonesia. It affected steelmakers in the United States, Canada and Europe.

Electrical components from Chinese manufacturers are not allowed into the U.S. and Canada

The United States has UL requirements and Canada has CSA standards. So, Chinese electrical products will not be rated for use in these countries. Yet, conditions may vary from state to state in the U.S., so check first. Before providing a list of equipment, you need to tell them what standard electrical components you need. This will allow you to receive the brewery equipment more and , and also make it easier for the manufacturer to calculate the price for you.

Although a good equipment manufacturer understands your country’s electrical component requirements, it may not be able to assemble it for you due to price reasons. You can ask your local government whether the use of Chinese electrical components is allowed. Additionally, you can talk to potential equipment suppliers to get their project examples and installation experience in your country.

Taxes and duties

China has an export tax rebate policy that allows manufacturers to sell more priced equipment to the world market.

China business ecosystem

In China, factory production does not occur in isolation. It relies on a supply network of suppliers, component manufacturers, distributors, government agencies and customers. Everyone can take part in the production process through competition and cooperation.

China Brewing Equipment Review

The quality and expertise of our country continues to grow. Most of the world’s craft beer equipment is now made in China. Several brewing system suppliers in the United States and Europe have their equipment manufactured in China.

Below are relevant comments about Chinese brewing equipment:

Designed devices from Chinese manufacturers

We have heard people say that “Chinese equipment manufacturers do not understand the brewing process and so provide equipment that is not suitable for efficient brewing”. In fact, this is not the case. It depends on your requirements. When purchasing brewing equipment, be sure to know exactly what you want.

I hope these key points can bring you reference:

  • Check equipment materials with equipment manufacturer
  • Type of brewery equipment desired
  • Tank specifications
  • Brewery floor plan and utility outlets

Can I buy good Chinese brewing equipment?

I saw someone asking on some brewing forums: “Is the quality of Chinese equipment good?”. I can tell you the answer to that question quite : not everything is good. The quality of equipment produced by some equipment manufacturers in our country is indeed poor, but the number of such manufacturers is decreasing.

Chinese brewing equipment manufacturers now understand the quality standards and typical requirements needed to compete in the world market. They realize that if they want to compete in the world market, they need not only competitive prices, but also high-quality equipment and good service and after-sales service.

Characteristics of Chinese brewing equipment

Characteristics of Chinese brewing equipment

Brewing equipment made in China is often designed with ease of use and efficiency in mind. Chinese manufacturers understand that brewers need equipment that is easy to operate, clean and maintain, so they design their products . This helps streamline production, reduce costs and improve brewing efficiency.

Also known for its durability and reliability. Many Chinese manufacturers use high-quality materials and advanced manufacturing processes to ensure their equipment is durable.

How can I be sure that the equipment produced by the Chinese manufacturer is what I want?

When it comes to your brewing equipment, you need to inspect it, not only the final stages of the equipment, but also the production process of the equipment. There are several manufacturers you can visit when visiting China before choosing the one you like. This way they can inspect their factories and see the quality of their work right from the source.

  • Specify your requirements
  • Have good communication with manufacturers
  • An agreed list of specifications rather than a contract
  • Understand that manufacturers also want to make profits
  • Develop an agreed upon payment plan that suits both parties
  • Ensure inspections are carried out at key stages

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