Réservoir de fermentation Kombucha

This brewing kit used to ferment Kombucha, uses acier inoxydable de haute qualité.

Que vous soyez un amateur de kombucha et que vous souhaitiez produire de petites quantités pour les déguster à la maison ou brasser de plus grandes quantités pour les mettre en fût et les servir à la pression, nous avons des fermenteurs de kombucha de petite ou de grande taille pour toutes les tailles !

Micet Group kombucha brewing equipment includes the kombucha brewing skid, kombucha fermentation tank, sugar mixing tank, filter and bottle filler.

The core brewing process as below:

The main kombucha making process includes tea boiling, fermenting, carbonation, filtering and filling. Kombucha kettle can use electric heating or steam heating depends on the kettle size from 100L to 5000L. 

  • The tea kettle/sugar mixing tank firstly boil the tea and mix the sugar before transfering to the fermentation tank
  • A hot water tank can be considered if you want to do continious brewing
  • Use plate heat exchanger after boiling for quickly cooling the hot tea
  • Use bag filters to filter the tea before going into fermentation tank
  • Transfer the tea liquid to the fermenter for 15days fermentation
  • Carbonation is required if you want your kombucha contain Co2
  • Filtering the fermented kombucha before bottling it
  • Filling into bottles or other models for selling in the market

Kombucha Fermentation Tank (100L – 3000L)

Brewing Kombucha requires mainly 3 pieces of brewing equipment: Kombucha Brewery kettle – Kombucha Fermenter – Kombucha Finishing Tank – all meticulously designed and fabricated using ancient kombucha brewing wisdom and the latest cutting-edge technology.

Equipment Design Standards

  • Tea brewing kettle with agitator and heater 
  • Food-grade 304 stainless steel construction
  • Insulated fermenter with cooling jacket or single layer
  • 25% headspace for fermentation on top or open top
  • Trou d'homme à pression supérieure ou latérale sans ombre
  • Valve d'échantillonnage tri-clampée entièrement sanitaire
  • Thermomètre PT100 avec capteur
  • Soupape de sécurité avec manomètre
  • Liquid level display on the side wall of tank
  • Bras de rotation sur le cône
  • 360° coverage CIP spraying device
  • Pieds robustes avec boulons réglables
  • Vacuum safety valve on top of the tank
  • Tuyau de purge séparé et CIP en option
  • Pierre de carbonatation pour le CO2 en option
Contacter les ventes
Brasserie de kombucha 1500L

1000L Brasserie de Kombucha

Fermenteur de kombucha 1000L

Fermenteur de kombucha 1000L

1000L Brasserie de Kombucha

Brasserie de kombucha 1500L

Fermenteur de kombucha 1500L

Fermenteur de kombucha 1500L

Pourquoi choisir micet pour fournir du matériel de brassage de kombucha? ?

When you choose a kombucha brewing system from Micet Group, you are quality-assured of the highest international standards of equipment. Our kombucha making equipment is guaranteed to be efficient, consistent, and capable of replicating and repeating the production process with precision and reliability every time.

  • Turnkey kombucha brewing solution, including kombucha brewing kit, fermenter, mixing tanks, filters and filling machine.
  • Customize the production capacities according to the dimensions of premises and budget range.
  • Customize the design of brewing equipment according to hot brew or cold brew brewing process.
  • All construction uses high-quality SUS304 food-grade stainless steel, jackets pressure testing and 48hours water leaking testing.
  • All the welds are full TIG welded by water spray method to ensure uniform weld pattern and are then acid pickled and passivated.
  • Closed fermentation tank or open top fermenter design optional
  • Carbonation with storage tank with CO2 or fermenter with CO2
  • Membrane filtration or bag filter before filling into bottles
  • 1 or 2 vessel design available, hot liquor tank optional
  • Agitation mixer or circulation through pump optional 
Brasserie artisanale locale basée à Singapour, proposant une délicieuse gamme de bières fraîches à la portée de tous. Trouble brewing company est une brasserie qui fabrique non seulement de la bière mais aussi du kombucha. Elle a acheté une bouilloire de brassage, des cuves de fermentation et des cuves de fermentation. En 2022, elle a agrandi sa brasserie et ajouté d'autres fermenteurs.

En savoir plus sur TROUBLE BREWING

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