자동 추출 시스템
자동화된 브루잉 시스템이 필요한 이유는 무엇인가요?
시중에는 자동 추출 시스템을 위한 옵션이 점점 더 많아지고 있습니다. Micet Group의 다양한 지능형 디자인, 사용 편의성 및 사용자 지정 기능을 통해 매우 재미있고 효율적으로 추출할 수 있습니다. 이 고품질의 멋진 기술을 이용한 브루잉을 좋아하게 될 것입니다. 우리는 맥주 양조를 좋아하지만 모든 사람이 양조 과정의 모든 세부 사항을 알고 싶어 하는 것은 아니라는 것도 잘 알고 있습니다. 핵심은 자동화된 시스템을 사용하여 고품질의 맥주를 생산하는 것입니다.
시스템이 덜 자동화되어 있을수록 사용자가 직접 해야 할 일이 많아집니다. 곡물 추가, 홉 추가, 발효기에 맥주 넣기, 맥주통이나 병에 채우기 등이 이에 해당합니다. 따라서 자동화 시스템은 양조 과정에서 많은 노동력을 줄일 수 있습니다. 완전 자동화 시스템은 기본적으로 모든 과정을 자동으로 수행합니다. 버튼 몇 개만 누르면 됩니다.
자동 추출 시스템 비용이 많이 드나요?
많은 사람이 자동화된 브루잉 시스템이 막대한 투자가 될 것이라고 생각합니다.
사실 소규모 양조장의 자동화는 대규모 양조장의 자동화와는 매우 다릅니다. 모든 자동화 프로세스가 아니라 필요한 자동화 프로세스만 자동으로 설계되기 때문에 큰 투자가 필요하지 않습니다. 자동화의 합리적인 도입으로 인해 자동화 수준이 높은 장비는 양조자의 양조 재미를 보장할 뿐만 아니라 많은 시간과 에너지를 절약할 수 있습니다. 양조장 장비의 크기에 따라 반자동 PLC 제어 시스템과 원격 제어가 가능한 완전 자동 PLC 제어 시스템 등 여러 가지 자동 레벨의 양조장을 선택할 수 있습니다.
자동화된 양조장에는 어떤 기능이 있나요?
The main function will realize through pneumatic butterfly valves, intelligent sensors and other control hardware, with the software programming control program of Siemens PLC to realize continuous and automatic brewing. Full-automatic PLC control can operate the valve directly on the touch screen, at the same time can automatically monitor and control the liquid level, water volume and wort volume.
- 매시 튠: Mashing temperature and mixing speed can be pre-edited. According to the different requirements of different beer mashing process, the brewing formula can be input, and the temperature control parameters can be automatically loaded by clicking the formula, meanwhile can control the mashing temperature curve to achieve automatic step mash heat up.
- 로터 툰: Use pressure sensors, displacement sensors, and turbidity sensors automatically control the lautering process, automatical reflux, automatic filtration to brew kettle and grains sparging, monitor the wort turbidity in real time, automatically adjust filtration speed, rake speed and depth.
- 양조 주전자: Set the boiling process parameters in advance, including the boiling start/off time, intensity and speed, configure hop filler to put the hops in advance, and automatically add hops according to the set time. MICET design with high advancement and stability, and can realize continuous mashing production (one batch of wort every 3 hours).
- 월풀, 맥아즙 냉각 및 물 제어: Set cooling parameters of wort, the wort enters the fermentation through the heat exchanger for automatic temperature control after wort cooling, cold and hot water can realize automatic liquid level control and automatic valve to add water. Automatic hot and cold water mixing.
양조장 500L 3D
>Learn about workmanship of automatic microbrewery equipment?
We understand the brewing process, no matter what’s size of the automatic brewing equipment, we will make it easily cleaned, for making perfect beers. Micet focus on every details to make perfect products, not only the look of out surface but also the workmanship during production. We use full welding everywhere with TIG welding technology, weld ports are polished well.
>What advantages does Micet Group fully automatic brewing system have?
1. 자동화 수준 선택 가능
The automation level of each order can be customized according to brewer’s needs and budget. Although the automation can be infinitely improved, it is recommended that each customer choose the degree of automation according to their own conditions, such as the most core and The important production process is fully automated, and the auxiliary labor intensity is not high, and manual assistance is also a good choice).
2. One-click start automatic brewing processes visualisation
Variables such as temperature, liquid level, pressure, turbidity, flow, sugar content, valves, pump speed, etc, can be displayed and controlled online. All controllable units can be edited manually. In fully automatic mode, you only need to set all parameters or select a recipe to start and complete all brewing processes with one click.
3. Improve production efficiency and easy for expansion
Micet automated brewery equipment has high production efficiency and high raw material sugar extraction, while maintaining wort quality. It can save time for each batch of wort production, produce one batch of wort in 4 hours and 4 batches of wort in just 10 hours. You can add fermentation tanks directly when need any production expansion in future.
4. Save labor while guarantee beer tastes
It can produce all kinds of beer and is easy to operate, as long as there are formulas and process parameters, which solves the problem of difficulty in finding high-end brewers, as well as the problem of high labor costs in the production process. It is a good choice for beginners who have no brewing experience but are passionate about it.
5. Comprehensive pre-sales and after-sales service
Before purchasing, you can come to our showroom to experience actual operation or online video experience, we provide equipment design in 3D model for cofirmation. Before shipping, we’ll simulate the actual production to test your machine, you can see the testing process throughout the video or come to our factory to personally test machine.
6. 오프사이트 모니터링 및 원격 액세스
With the site manager installed on your phone, we can use the mobile phone to remotely monitor and understand the progress of fermentation in real-time, you can heat hot water in advance before arriving in brewery. In this case, the brewer’s time is greatly liberated. When you are out, you can open your mobile phone and check the real-time situation of your fermenters. Micet engineers provide remotely installation and debugging, and provide lifetime service, including later upgrades and updates.